Send PING packages in the background to various hosts and displays statistics about the sent and received packages. Keeps track of the hosts that are not responding and displays a Windows pop-up with various notification messages to alert the users about the event.
You want to know if all your Windows 2003-XP-2000-NT servers are alive and pinging? Do you want to receive a pop-up message when one of them is not running anymore?
FREEping automatically pings in the background and shows statistics for each pinged hosts. When a host stops responding, FREEping can send popup messages to a specified destination.
When a host stops responding, FREEping can send popup messages to a specified destination.
This tool pings all of your IP address at definable intervals.
FREEping is simple software that allows you to monitor TCP/IP compliant host and sends windows pop-up messages to a specified destination when a host is not responding.
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